
Project managment

Project Management, Tender Consultation, Tender Writing

The implementation of a successful project is made up of different elements, that are often complex but each one of them is important.

Financing of the project is no longer done by own funding or classical bank financing models.

The technical implementation of a given plan depends on the composition of the available resources.

Project Management, Tender Consultation, Tender Writing- Various forms of loans
- Possibilities of obtaining various tender resources
- Correct allocation of the resource composition, their predictable, accurately calculated utilization
- Economically maintaining the results of the projects on the long run

The highly qualified experts of Solarcell Hungary Ltd. with references - Professional Advisors, Economists, Engineers, Lawyers - are guarantees for you for the successful execution of the project in the energy sector both in Hungary and in other EU member states.

- Outstanding professional competence characterizes our customer-focused, authentic and success-oriented activities.
- We provide full support for the writing of energy tenders (KEHOP) and for winning them.
- We are active participants in obtaining bank financing representing your interests.
- We handle all matters in relation to our projects.
- We represent you in an exemplary way at professional authorities, agencies, financial or legal institutions.

All in all:

... we make your plans a reality!